Exploring the Group Section and Its Features

Exploring the Group Section and Its Features

Groups play a crucial role in the development of exams tailored to specific target audiences. It is imperative to select the appropriate group during exam creation to ensure that the test can be administered to users who are part of or will join the group. Without membership in the group, users will not be able to access the exam. Even if a user possesses the exam link, their participation hinges on joining the relevant group associated with the exam, regardless of prior registration in the system.

Accessing Groups

To access the groups, click the Groups option in the fixed menu on the side of the page.

The Groups Page

The Groups Page offers a suite of tools designed for efficient group management. These include the ability to create subgroups, view member lists, add or remove members, obtain group links, and make edits to group settings. Access to this page is restricted to users with the necessary permissions. The Groups Page offers a view of the cards representing the group(s) accessible to you. At first, the card associated with the highest level is visible. Upon clicking the Enter Group option, it navigates to the subsequent layers. This process can be repeated if there are multiple layers present.
Each card encompasses the following information and options:


  1. Group Name: Displays the name of the group.
  2. Subgroups: Indicates the number of subgroups within the group.
  3. Members: Shows the total count of group members.
  4. Tags: Displays the tags assigned to the group.


  1. Three-dot icon (More options):
  1. Manage Members: By clicking on this option, you will be directed to a separate page for managing members. Here, you will find a list of users with sorting, filtering, and search capabilities. You will also see the total number of registered users in the system. Among the page's other functionalities are adding users irrespective of their roles (Add member or via Multiple members/batch (file upload), editing member access, and removing members from the group.
  2. Add Member to the Group: Clicking on this option allows you to add members to the group.
  3. Edit Group: By clicking on this option, you can edit the group's name and tags.
  4. Add Subgroup: Using this option is one way to add a subgroup to the desired group.
  5. Delete: By clicking on this option, the group will be deleted.
  6. Get Link: By clicking this option, the group sharing link will be copied to your device.
  1. Enter group: By clicking this option, you will be directed to the selected group and its subgroups. Upon clicking Enter Group, you'll transition from the top-level group (root group) to a page illustrating the subsequent layers. Here, you'll find new management options that aren't accessible at the initial level.

Selecting a Tag

To choose a tag, simply click on the Tag dropdown menu and select your desired tag from the available options. The groups shown at the bottom of the page will all have the tag you have selected. If you wish to return to the previous state, repeat the process and uncheck the checkbox next to the selected tag.
Note: you can select multiple tags at the same time.

Add Button

By clicking on the menu next to the button, two options will be displayed:
  1. Create Group: By selecting this option, you can add new subgroups to the current group.
  2. Create Member: By selecting this option, you can add new members to the current group.

Three-dot Icon

By clicking on this icon, three options will be displayed:
  1. Edit Group: By clicking on this option, you can edit the group's name and tags
  2. Manage Members: Clicking on this option will take you to a dedicated page designed for member management. On this page, you will encounter a roster of users along with sorting, filtering, and search functionalities. Additionally, you will have visibility into the total count of registered users within the system. The page also offers features such as adding users regardless of their assigned roles (either individually or through file upload), adjusting member permissions, and removing members from the group.
  3. Add Group: This option enables adding a subgroup to the current group.

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