Guide To Exam Creation

Guide To Exam Creation

Welcome to this guide designed to streamline the process of setting up exams within your organizational account. This concise walkthrough provides essential steps for creating and configuring exams tailored to your needs.

Signing Into the Account

Log into your account.

Organization Exam Access

Click on the Organization Exam on the sidebar menu to enter a dedicated page tailored for organizational exam functionalities.

Creating a New Exam

On the organization exam page, locate and click the Exam button to initiate the creation of a new exam. You will be redirected to the Create Exam wizard, offering comprehensive options for exam configuration.

Step 1: Providing Exam Information

Name and Description
  1. Exam Name: Enter a clear and descriptive name for your exam. This will help participants and organizers identify the exam easily.
  2. Description: In this section, you can provide more information about the exam and how it will be conducted for the participants. This information will be displayed to the participants before the exam.
Date and Time
  1. Start Exam Date: Specify the date when the exam will commence. Click on the date field to access the calendar and select the desired starting date.
  2. Start Exam Time: Set the time at which the exam will begin. Utilize the time input field to select the appropriate start time.
  3. End Exam Date: Indicate the date when the exam will conclude. Click on the date field to access the calendar and choose the desired end date.
  4. End Exam Time: Specify the time at which the exam will end. Utilize the time input field to select the appropriate end time.
Exam Correction Settings
  1. Correct at the End: Toggling this option will automatically grade the exam after submission, except for those with at least one free response question. Descriptive exam grading is calculated manually.
  2. Exam Correction Interval: This option specifies the interval for automatic grading of the exam.
Note: If the Correct at the End option is disabled, the exam report will also be inaccessible. You can only access the report after manual marking has been completed.
Exam Settings
  1. Randomize Questions: Toggle this option to shuffle the order of questions within each section.
  2. Randomize Choices:Toggle this option to shuffle the order of choices. This can enhance exam security by creating unique, persistent orders for each user.
Exam Scoring System
Choose one or more scoring systems to calculate both individual section and overall exam results. Each system offers a method for scoring:
  1. Normal (Default): Results displayed as percentages, calculated by averaging section scores using the "Average Percentage" method for individual sections and applying a "Weighted Average" for the total.
  2. Normal Distribution: Results are shown as points, calculated using a normal distribution method for sections and a weighted average for the total.

Step 2: Selecting Groups for the Exam

Now, proceed to the next step in the exam creation process:
  1. Search Tag Field: Utilize the search tag field to filter and select the desired participant groups efficiently.
  2. Groups: By selecting a group, the audience for the exam will be defined. It will specify which participants in which group will take this exam. When you choose a group, all its subgroups are automatically selected as well. 

Step 3: Adding Exam Content

Exam Content By
Choose how to incorporate exam content. By adding exam content, these options will be displayed:
  1. Edit Content: This feature allows you to add a new section, move or delete existing sections, and reorder questions.
  2. Delete Content: To remove all inserted content at once.
  3. Section Timing: You can assign separate timing to each section. To do this, you can use the following options:
  1. Delay After Start: This option allows you to specify when a section will become available to participants. At least one section must start simultaneously with the exam, meaning there should be one section with a zero delay.
  2. Duration: This option lets you specify how long participants have to complete the section once they begin.
  3. Relative: This option makes the time limit dependent on the user's attendance time.
  1. Section Groups and Weights: Organizing exam content into section groups will result in tailored calculations for each section or let you have different arrangements of sections. Each group can have its own weightings, allowing for customized result calculations.
  1. Default Section Group: The default section group is the one from which the exam layout and structure are generated and will be displayed to the participants in the exam. In cases where there is more than one section group, the default section group created automatically can be removed, or another group can be designated as the default.
  2. Add Section Group: Create additional section groups to organize exam content by clicking the + icon. In the opened modal, enter the section group name, set it as the default or leave it as is, and choose your desired structure from the section tree. It is essential to ensure that when creating a section group, all the existing questions should be selected and incorporated into this new section.
  3. More Options: Clicking on the three-dot icon next to each section group lets you delete, edit, or set this section as default.
  4. Add Weight Group: Define different weightings for sections within a section group and assign weights to sections, starting from 1 or more.

Step 4: Preview

As the final step in the exam creation process, carefully check the summary to ensure accuracy in the exam details:
  1. Start and End: Review the start and end dates and times for the exam.
  2. Detail Sections Timing: Review the designated opening and closing times for the exam sections.
  3. Section Structure Overview: Sections: Review the organized sections within the exam.
  4. Questions: Ensure all selected questions are accurately included.
  5. Groups: Review the participant groups assigned to the exam.
  6. Users: Review the list of users associated with the exam.

Step 5: Exam Creation Process

As you enter this stage, the exam creation process begins, and the duration depends on the volume of users and groups. Upon successful creation, a confirmation message will be displayed. Clicking Done will take you to the Exams page, where you can view and manage your newly created exam.
Note: You can add participants to your exam even while it is running through the exam share link.
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